Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Breakfast of Champions

Today, I make my way to San Antonio to serve on the faculty for NACA's Huge Leadership Weekend. I'm super excited to participate in the learning and growth of all in attendance, but I'm mostly excited to reenter the land of the breakfast taco.

For the uninitiated, let me describe the wonder that is the breakfast taco. It's simple really. A breakfast taco is pretty much any combination of breakfast-type foods...wrapped in a flour tortilla. (And now you understand my befuddlement as to how this national treasure has yet to become...well...a national treasure!)

Breakfast tacos can please almost anyone...unless you hate breakfast...and then I judge you. You can select from bacon & egg, potato & egg, or sausage & egg. You know, the gringo-friendly offerings. If you want to be a bit more adventurous, you can throw chorizo into the mix. If you're like me and have fully embraced Tex-Mex culture, then I recommend a bean & cheese, migas, or chilaquiles taco (chi-leh-ke'-les; not chil-luh-quil-les as my wife's coworker pronounced it recently...though with a sweet southern accent, it's pretty endearing).

What makes a breakfast taco so good...besides cheese, because, well, that's a the fresh homemade flour tortillas. With every bite, I can picture mi abuelita making each tortilla with love...and lard...just for me. Yes, I realize my tiny grandmother has likely never seen a tortilla press, but a gringo can dream, can't he?!

Since moving to Birmingham, I have scoured the land (of google) to find a breakfast taco establishment. I even visited a specialty market down the road but to no avail. If I had the capital, the health permits and the abuelita to make it happen, I'd gladly bring the breakfast taco to Birmingham. 

Until then, I'll just have to make an annual trip to SA to get my fix.

Damn, I'm hungry.

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